Wendy Smyer Yu Meet The Authors GOG Vol. 1 #grumpyoldgods #anthology #mythology

Meet The Author of Immanent Domain

Immanent Domain by Wendy Smyer Yu: When Cara accidentally invokes Coyote after a terrible date, the young woman has to channel her inner trickster so that the bored deity doesn’t wreck her life. 

hashtag #grumpyoldgods #anthology #mythology
Grumpy Old Gods Volume 1

Find out how this author still finds the wild things in suburbia and translates those observations into her stories. http://bit.ly/2TGXWwO #grumpyoldgods #mythology #anthology Click To Tweet
Wendy Smyer Yu in Grumpy Old Gods

Wendy Smyer Yu

Wendy Smyer Yu lives near Sacramento, California, where she spends her days word-working as an editor and fiction-dabbler, and where she gardens in an attempt to reclaim some paradise from pavement. She loves the wild edges of things and welcomes into her suburban yard a pair of great-horned owls, a seasonal flock of wild turkeys, native bees, and an assortment of edible and medicinal plants, some of which may look suspiciously like weeds to the neighbors. There may be chickens in her future. She likes DIY projects and experimentation, appropriate and low-tech creativity, poetry, non-fiction, and speculative fiction. Meanwhile, she’s training herself to finish the projects she starts. That includes her first pair of knitted socks (well, it’s currently 1/2 of a sock, but there WILL be two when she’s done), the planning and planting of a vegetable garden, and, in the realm of writing, a zine series (one issue done!) and a collection of short stories coming out this year. Oh yeah, there’s also a somewhat neglected blog on that list of projects needing attention.

You can find Wendy on her on Twitter or Website

Learn how this author’s view of the world also translates into her stories.

Like Cara and Coyote in the story “Immanent Domain” (in the first volume of Grumpy Old Gods), I live in the Sacramento Valley, a place heavily trampled by development and agriculture. But in spite of that heavy mark, there are  hidden and not-so-hidden gems, little back-roads locations where something wild still lives, just like Cara recognizes in the opening scene of her story: there are the American and Sacramento rivers, the migratory-bird heaven in the winter-wet causeway, the sinuous creek-ways between fields and orchards where otters and owls hunt, and willows flush and elders bloom then go to berry. These places are relatively few and far between, though, and what I have a hard time finding in person frequently makes its way into my fiction.

That’s why both Cara — who appreciates the overgrown and unpredictable forces of nature springing up at the edges of and in the cracks between the built-up city, and Coyote — who embodies those forces, are exactly who they need to be in this story. One has been “civilized” unto boredom and is hoping for a little spontaneous (super)natural intervention, and the other is an old, old resident of this land who needs some help navigating the world we’ve created and who is also completely willing to turn it on its head.

For Coyote’s part in the story, the Cara in me is grateful and the next time I see a coyote out at dawn along the creek edge off Country Road 97, I’ll definitely say thank you.

Wendy Smyer Yu in Grumpy Old Gods

Releasing March 30th PreOrder Now!

What happens when gods wane, retire, or just decide they need a change of employment? 

13 writers took up the challenge and let their imaginations run wild in this anthology that is nearly-always amusing, somewhat insightful, and completely irreverent as we imagine the gods of yore in retirement. Volume 1 Available for PreOrderNow!

13 days of fun as we meet the authors of Grumpy Old Gods Volume 1 releasing March 30th, 2019.

Wendy Smyer Yu in Grumpy Old Gods

Grumpy Old Gods Anthology Volume 2 
Call For Submission
Deadline March 30, 2019.
Submission Guidelines here.

We are adding an author a day to this meet the author series starting March 23-April 4th as a kick off to our launch. Grumpy Old Gods vol. 1 releasing March 30th. So be sure to check back and read about the other authors too. We have all kinds of surprises that show up randomly. Don’t miss them. You can read about the other authors HERE.