We’d like to introduce you to our newest team member Vanessa Finaughty.
Vanessa Finaughty: Editor
We are so lucky to have her join our team. She is an experienced editor and author living in South Africa who will make the Stormdance Team that much stronger. She is also one of our Grumpy Old Gods authors.
Check out her story in Grumpy Old Gods Volume 1, Out of Luck. Plus, if you check out the Meet the Authors of Grumpy Old Gods page, you can download her free anthology, Dragon Kin on her spotlight page.

About Vanessa Finaughty: Editor
Vanessa grew up in Cape Town, South Africa and still lives there with her husband of twenty years, her two human children and her three furry, four-legged children.
Her passion for the written word started her career as an author, editor and copywriter, and she ran a fiction writers’ critique group for close on seven years. In recent years, Vanessa’s focus is on editing (non-fiction and fiction; any genre) and writing fiction (mostly fantasy).
Her interests include reading, ancient history, conspiracy theories, photography, graphic design, the supernatural, life’s mysteries, the human mind and martial arts, of which she has five years’ experience in Ki Aikido.
Vanessa has written or edited for magazines, national newspapers in South Africa, Oxford University Press Southern Africa and the International Trade Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, among others. She is a published author of fiction and non-fiction, with a main focus on fantasy in recent years. Vanessa is also an official short story judge for On the Premises, an online fiction magazine that hosts short story contests throughout the year, and proud editor of the Grumpy Old Gods short story anthology.
Vanessa works with authors and publishing companies anywhere in the world, and edits in South African, UK or American English. For a free editing quotation, please feel free to email her at: shadowfire 13 @ gmail.com (please remove all spaces in the email address; they are added to thwart pesky bots). Please include your total word count and a sample of the book you want edited.