The Grumpy Old Gods are back in this fifth installment of mythical fun!Pick up your copy of Grumpy Old Gods Vol. 5 today! Available Now on Amazon!
Reading Grumpy Old Gods anthologies can lead to uncontrollable laughter, grinning, snorting, and other signs of glee. Eating or drinking while reading this book may lead to choking with laughter. Ask your doctor if laughter is right for you. Seek professional help if your grin doesn’t go down after forty-eight hours. Not recommended for children, politicians, war criminals, or Zeus.
 Grumpy Old Gods Anthologies Volumes   1-5 Available
Available Now vol 1-5 on Amazon!Coming Soon, Volume 6! 2023
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Dedicated to compiling and creating quality anthologies that we love to read.

Co-Owners: Vanessa Wells & Juneta Key