What happens when gods wane, retire, or just decide they need a change of employment?
13 writers took up the challenge and let their imaginations run wild in this anthology that is nearly-always amusing, somewhat insightful, and completely irreverent as we imagine the gods of yore in retirement. Volume 1.
Meet The Author of Zeus Really Needs To Go
Zeus Really Needs To Go by Shawn Klimek: Lactose intolerance and a distinct lack of a statute of limitations combine to give the former King of Olympus one very bad day.
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Grumpy Old Gods Volume 1

About Shawn Klimek
Shawn M. Klimek joined college on a fine arts scholarship which was why his professors were dismayed to find him constantly in the drama department. When they demanded he choose between an artist’s life of poverty, alienation and endless isolation mitigated by friends demanding free portraits and tattoos; or an actor’s life of poverty, hunger for validation, and the companionship of noisy, delusional extroverts forever needing to crash on a couch they will be too busy to help you move, he decided to become a writer instead.
He took the long path to becoming a writer, beginning as a journalist in the U.S. Army. Thirty more years of stuff happened, including a wife, a talented* puppy, an assignment in Japan, and writing on the side—all part of the wild, Cinderella story culminating in his becoming published in this anthology.

[*his puppy Noneko (the name means “non-cat”) pictured here, is the author of the following random characters (edited for brevity): 32111`]

More About Shawn Klimek
Shawn M. Klimek is a globetrotting, U.S. military spouse, butler to a Maltese puppy, and creative writer, whose other recent anthologies include: “World War Four” and “Flash Fiction Addiction”, by Zombie Pirate Publishing, “Gold: The Best of Clarendon House Anthologies, Vol. 1, 2017/2018”, and coming soon, “Curses & Cauldrons: Tiny Tales Vol. 1” by Blood Song Books. Purchase these and more at Amazon or Clarendon House Books;find an index of all his published works, including free reads, at Jot in the Dark : and follow his ongoing writing adventures at Facebook.
We are adding an author a day to this meet the author series starting March 23-April 4th as a kick off to our launch. Grumpy Old Gods vol. 1 releasing March 30th. So be sure to check back and read about the other authors too. We have all kinds of surprises that show up randomly. Don’t miss them. You can read about the other authors HERE.