Grumpy Old Gods Volume 11 – Call For Submissions
Tales of Robin Hood
Deadline For Submissions: May 1st, 2024
Deadline For Submissions: May 1st, 2024
*Warning: Reading Grumpy Old Gods anthologies can lead to uncontrollable laughter, grinning, snorting, and other signs of glee. Eating or drinking while reading this book may lead to choking with laughter. Ask your doctor if laughter is right for you. Seek professional help if your grin doesn’t go down after forty-eight hours. Not recommended for children, politicians, war criminals, or Zeus.
Continue reading “Meet The Authors Volume 5 Interview Tour: Grumpy Old Trickster Gods”Spring is coming and so, with spring, the thoughts of editors naturally turn to… dragons.
Well, maybe that’s just us.
Continue reading “Grumpy Old Dragons Call For Submissions: DEADLINE Nov. 15th, 2022”GRUMPY OLD LOVE GODS:
In any era, it’s hard to be a love deity (we privately think it might be harder for anyone who has to deal with one). In the fourth installment of the Grumpy Old Gods Anthologies, our writers took up the challenge of writing love gods with total irreverence, a great deal of wit, and, in some cases, more alcohol than was strictly necessary.
In Pan’s Lavatory by Greg Nagler, our favorite witchy duo of Lilly and Mable are back in action with a spine-tingling tale of a zombie adult film star and the Grumpy God who arranged for her to rise from the dead. Remember: if you are ever tempted to make a deal with an ancient deity that smells like lavender and hangs out in women’s restrooms around Valentines… don’t. Just don’t. More Story Blurbs on Amazon!
Continue reading “Grumpy Old Love Gods: Be My Valentine!”IWSG Book Club Upgrade!
The IWSG is getting an overhaul. We’re so excited about the changes, so let me just stop here and turn the explaining over to the fabulous Toi! (Toi’s msg taken from club newsletter.)
How to join IWSG and participate in the book club and the blog hop, and the many things for author’s sponsored and hosted through Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Find out here!
Continue reading “IWSG Book Club: September 23rd, 2021 Reads!”Don’t try to market your book without finding a mentor!
So, what if you had an experienced author to guide your marketing plans?
Author Hank Quense has self-published and marketed over 30 books. He’s written and marketed both fiction and non-fiction. He also lectures and holds webinars on self-publishing and on book marketing.
Imagine developing a detailed marketing plan for your book and then implementing it.
In this book, you’ll learn:
– How to develop your author’s platform material
– How to write your marketing content
– How to engage in marketing activities
– How to get more book reviews
– What kind of events to hold
– How to get publicity
– How to use (or not use) advertising.
– What other authors say about book marketing
Available on Amazon