Brendan Foley O’Brien Grumpy Old Gods V. 2

O’Brien by Brendan Foley
As a sweet little old couple reaches the end of their twilight years in a rest home, they spend time with a very unusual resident. Very unusual.

Grumpy Old Gods Volume 2

The Grumpy Old Gods are back in this second installment of mythical fun. Join us for 13 new tales of deities that are retired, reborn, waning, or AWOL from their assigned posts as they hilariously navigate life, death, and everything in between.

Available Now on Amazon!

Brendan Foley O’Brien Grumpy Old Gods V. 2

The Grumpy Old Gods are back in this second installment of mythyical fun. Read Brendan Foley's O'Brien. Twilight years in a resthome can be spent with some unusual people, maybe even a god…   Click To Tweet

Brendan Foley writes, performs, and produces Black Sun Dispatches.

A Massachusetts-based writer, additional work, both fiction and non, can be found on and his page. He hopes you enjoy the work and will be hiding in his emotions bunker until hearing otherwise.

He is a writer on the MEDIUM platform.

He is a writer for CINEPUNX.

Brendan Foley O’Brien Grumpy Old Gods V. 2

About Brendan

Brendan Foley got his first taste of the writer’s life in fifth grade when classmates reported having trouble sleeping after reading a ghost story he’d handwritten on soft yellow loose-leaf paper. He’s never quite gotten over the thrill of their chills. Based out of Massachusetts, Brendan has worked as a journalist and business writer while his fiction has appeared in multiple anthologies. He currently writes and performs a horror/dark fantasy podcast, Black Sun Dispatches, and publishes film and culture criticism at You can follow him on Twitter at @TheTrueBrendanF.

Brendan Foley O’Brien Grumpy Old Gods V. 2