Send social media posts, links, bios, photos in a Word doc/rich text format (RTF) attached in a separate email. Do not submit a required request in group emails. 

All social media should be sent to stormdancepublications@gmail.com first and secondary grumpyanthology.com

We ask for 3 social media post to be sent to us to keep on file for our use, and that during launch you also post as you can to your social media to help get us seen, tag us, and send us the links. This benefits all of us.

Vanessa Wells on Facebook
Juneta Key on Facebook Twitter
Stormdance Publications: TWITTER: @StormDancePubl1
FACEBOOK: Stormdance Publications
Can send links: grumpyanthology@gmail.com and stormdancepublications@gmail.com

We prefer social media posts be submitted in a Word doc RTF, (no google docs). Make sure it is labeled where we can understand what it is about, and how it relates to you as an author, so we have content for you on hand. (Be aware of copyrights if you quote or use other material to supplement your post. )

Submitting photos: Include links, images with arbitration if applicable. Photos must not be in violation of copyright laws. Best choices usually photos you have taken yourself or found in the Public Domain or a Creative Common License that say you have rights to use with or without arbitration and for commercial use as this is a business.

Places to locate photos:  
Wikipedia: Public Domain Resource  Pixabay.com morguefile.com  photopin.com   Unsplash.com     pexels.com stocksnap.io  canstockphoto.com

If offered a contract plz ask for more details if you are unsure or confused. 

Social Post Word Counts for the Meet the Author posts: 300-800 words. Google ranking with SEO requires 300 words to rank higher on google search pages. (Exception is if you include a flash fiction/short story, in place of a post, you have up to 1000 words with a little fudge room.)

Stormdance Spotlight as a social post:  If giving a guest post about a topic or your author journey that you have talked with us about first for meet the authors, it can be up to 1000 words with a little fudge room.

You can also request an interview where we give you questions to answer to use as one of the 3 social posts. The link for signup will be offered to you if accepted. 

IDEAS/Other things you can do for a social post.